I am honored and humbled to serve as President & CEO of AUPHA. It’s an opportunity and role of a lifetime. In preparing to leave full-time academia last year, I’d shared with colleagues, students and alumni that I would explore opportunities to serve more than one academic program at a time - which had been my primary focus for 26 years. Voila!
I am Adjunct Professor of Health Management & Policy at the University of Iowa College of Public Health. 2016-2020, I served as MHA Program Director & Clinical Professor of Health Management & Policy, University of Iowa College of Public Health - the best job someone in my field could hold and the pinnacle of my academic career. 2011-2016, I was Professor & Director of Health Systems Management & Policy, University of Memphis, where as Associate Dean for Academic & Faculty Affairs I led the successful team effort to obtain CEPH accreditation for the School of Public Health. I am incredibly proud of the remarkable team of faculty, staff, alumni, students, and practitioners who make the Memphis MHA program one of the most community-engaged, diverse, and award-winning programs in our field. 2007-2011, I was Professor of Health Systems Management (HSM) & Director of the MS-HSM Program at Rush University, Chicago. Rush’s unique practitioner-teacher model profoundly impacted my thinking and leadership regarding healthcare management education. I spent the first 13 years of my academic career, 1994-2007, at Saint Louis University, and directed the MHA Program there 2003-2007; it was at SLU that I found my true calling as a leader in healthcare management education. I have been privileged to work alongside fellow faculty, staff, students and alumni at all four of these great programs.
I have taught in the areas of healthcare organization, healthcare management & organizational behavior, human resources management, organizational analysis & change, leadership, and professional development. My research interests have included the financing, organization, and delivery of prevention and care services, tobacco policy, obesity policy, evaluation of health and social service programs, and quality improvement and the patient experience.
I am a past Fellow, Board Member, and Chair of CAHME. I am also a past board member of AUPHA.
I earned my BA from the College of Charleston, MHA from MUSC, and PhD in Health Services & Policy Analysis from the University of California, Berkeley.