HAMPCAS for Graduate Programs

HAMPCASThe Health Administration, Management & Policy Centralized Application Service (HAMPCAS) is a web-based system that simplifies the application experience for students while easing administrative burdens for universities. HAMPCAS is a free AUPHA member benefit for graduate programs. 

For data on student application numbers and demographics, please review AUPHA's most recent Annual Report

If you would like more information on how your graduate health administration program can participate in HAMPCAS, contact Kelsey Kvandal at kkvandal@aupha.org.

What is HAMPCAS?

The Health Administration, Management, and Policy Centralized Application Service (HAMPCAS) is designed for students applying to graduate programs in health administration, healthcare management, and health policy. This national centralized application service enables applicants to apply to multiple colleges and universities through a single web-based application.

Benefits for Programs

  • Establishes a forum for the exchange of information with individual applicants
  • Provides a one-stop source to send students not only to apply to schools, but also to research programs and access resources from the field
  • Allows advisors to access current data, statistics, and information from a reputable, association-developed source
  • Does not require exclusivity; programs may use HAMPCAS and other admissions systems in tandem

Participating HAMPCAS Programs:

How Does It Work?

HAMPCAS provides applicants a convenient way to apply to multiple programs through one standardized system. Rather than uploading materials (general information, transcripts, test scores, etc.) for each application separately on multiple systems, applicants can complete all of their information in one place and then send their application packet to multiple programs. Admissions offices can then use the portal to obtain applications, applicant data, and reports/analysis; complete transcript verifications; review test scores; and access customer support.

Graduate Program Information Sessions

Beginning in fall 2024, AUPHA will launch a series of graduate program information sessions geared towards undergraduate students. Current HAMPCAS graduate programs may participate in these sessions at no cost. Undergraduate program members are welcome to encourage students interested in pursuing graduate school to attend.

These 90-minute sessions will take place at noon Eastern on the following dates:

  • Wednesday, September 18, 2024
  • Friday, November 22, 2024

Each participating program will have the opportunity to provide a mini-presentation (5-8 minutes in length; to be determined by how many programs sign up) to the full group of attendees. At the end of the session, programs will be assigned a break-out room where they can connect directly with interested students.

Due to the structure of these sessions, space is limited. Programs must indicate their interest no later than Tuesday, July 23, 2024 by completing this form.