Faculty Prizes

The Gary L. Filerman Prize for Educational Leadership was established to honor Gary L. Filerman, PhD, the first President of AUPHA, for his many years of service to the Association and the field of healthcare management education.

The Baxter International William B. Graham Prize for Health Services Research recognizes an individual who has significantly increased the quality of or access to health service delivery worldwide through the development of insights and innovations that have (a) eliminated barriers to the education and prevention of noncommunicable diseases; (b) highlighted the importance of proper nutrition in underserved communities; (c) removed barriers to accessing clean water; and/or (d) produced innovative health solutions and technologies that increase access to quality care.

The Quint Studer Gratitude Prize for Teaching Excellence was established to honor Quint Studer - healthcare executive and entrepreneur; teacher, coach, and mentor; and community builder and humanitarian - for his many years of service to the fields of healthcare management and leadership and healthcare management and policy education; and for his service to, and love for, AUPHA.

The John D. Thompson Prize was established to honor John D. Thompson, a professor of health administration education, who set teaching, commitment to learning, collegial relationships, and health services research standards which are without peer.