The Journal provides a forum for the presentation of health services research as it relates to the educational process, the communication of innovative approaches to formal education and management development in health services administration, and the review of new books from the perspective of educators. As such, submissions are accepted in the following formats:
- Original Articles: Provides a forum for publishing research or scholarly discussions of current issues that address a wide array of health administration education and management development topics. Manuscripts will be accepted for publication in this section provided they have not been published or committed for publication elsewhere.
- Teaching Tips and Tools: Provides an opportunity for authors to submit brief reports of applied educational techniques and practices that have value for student learning.
- Program Management Issues: Focuses on day to day graduate and undergraduate program management issues.
- Distinguished Contributions: Solicited/nominated content based on relevant invited addresses, lectures, and reports that are delivered by prominent educators or practitioners.
- Correspondence: Provides an opportunity for contributors to react to articles previously published in the Journal or for the submission of brief opinions addressing current issues and challenges facing the field. Resource Reviews are solicited critiques of educational materials including books, training exercises, simulations, software and other materials relevant to health administration education.
Contributions to the Original Articles, Teaching Tips and Tools, and Program Management Issues sections will be peer reviewed. The decision to publish is based upon the significance of findings to the field, quality of presentation, soundness of methods used, appropriateness of conclusions, and timeliness of topics. All other submissions will be reviewed by Editorial Board members.
All manuscripts are acknowledged upon receipt and are promptly submitted for review or evaluation. Manuscripts published in the Journal become the property of the Association of University Programs in Health Administration and may not be reproduced without written permission.